00.Boiler Plate Code

# From JagadeeshKumar.Reddi works*

# reddi.jagadeeshkumar116@outlook.com

# visit https://www.5pillars.one/

# Boilerplate Code

import clr

#importing .NET's Common Language Runtime



#Adding Revit API DLL's reference to clr

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FilteredElementCollector,BuiltInCategory,ViewPlan,ElementId,FilterElement

#importing Classes related to current scipt



#Adding Revit Services DLL's reference to clr

from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

#importing Document Manger

from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

#importing Transaction Manger


#import List Functions


from System.Collections.Generic import List

01.Detect Un Used Filters

How to Detect Unused Filters?


Detect Unused Filters in current doucment


Unused Filters = Filters - Used Filters


Python Script:

# From JagadeeshKumar.Reddi works*

# reddi.jagadeeshkumar116@outlook.com

# visit https://www.5pillars.one/

#Current Doucment Defined

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument


#collect all views

__Allviews = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Views).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements() 


#selection of viewplans from views

__ViewPlans = [v for v in __Allviews if isinstance(v, ViewPlan)]


#Defining Used filters Method

def _Col_UFilts(filters):


  for v in __ViewPlans:

 #Extend method reduce nested loop into a single loop


 #Remove Duplicates from Exisiting list

  return _Col_Filters


 #Applying Used filter method to current document & ICollection of Elements ID's

_Used_FilterIDs =List[ElementId](_Col_UFilts(doc))


#Defining UnUsed Filters Method

def _Col_UUFilts(filters):


  #Collecting all filters excludes Used Filter  ID's


  for f in _Col_UUFilts:


  return UnusedFilters

#Applying UnUsed Filter Method to current doucment

UnusedFilters = _Col_UUFilts(doc)


#Get Number of unused Filters

Count = len(UnusedFilters)


OUT = Count,UnusedFilters

02.Delete Un Used Filters

Python Script:

# From JagadeeshKumar.Reddi works*

# reddi.jagadeeshkumar116@outlook.com

# visit https://www.5pillars.one/

#Current Doucment Defined

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument


#Unwrap Filters 

__Del_UUF = UnwrapElement(IN[0])

# Get Unused list Names

_Del_List = [_Del_List.append(x.Name) for x in __Del_UUF ]

    # if conforimation is true

if IN[1] == True:

    #intiate Transcation


    #Iterate and delete each one from list

    for d in __Del_UUF:

        Id = d.Id

        delete= doc.Delete(Id)

    #Transaction closed


    #outs deleted unused filters

    out = _Del_List


    #Asks to make sure to delete

    out = "Make true to delete"

03.View Type's Status

This Script shows View status of
1.Floor Plan's
2.Ceiling Plan's
3.3D View's
4.Drafting View's

It Gives Total counts of views, How many them placed on sheets and not placed on sheets.


To find 6 different view Types status in current document.


Python Script:

# From JagadeeshKumar.Reddi works*

# reddi.jagadeeshkumar116@outlook.com

# visit https://www.5pillars.one/


#Current Doucment Defined

_Doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument


# Get All Views of Current Document

_Viws = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Views).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements() 


#Get All Sheets of Current Doucment



#Collecting Sheet ID's

_Shtid = [s.Id for s in _Sht]


#IList collection of sheets 

_IShtid = List[ElementId](_Shtid)


#Method for Collect View Types

def _VT(ViewTypes):


 for x in _Viws:

    if x.ViewType.ToString() ==ViewTypes:


 return _VT_s


#Method for To get Un used view Types

def _UuVT(UvwTyps):

 _UViewTps = []

 for x in _IShtid:

  for v in UvwTyps:

   if Viewport.CanAddViewToSheet(_Doc,x,v.Id)==True:



 [_UVws.append(v) for v in _UViewTps if v not in _UVws]

 return _UVws


#Collect Floor Plans Status



_UUFp = _UuVT(_FP)


_CUFp = _TCFP - _CUUFp


#Collect and follow same code for "CeilingPlan" ,"ThreeD", "DraftingView","Elevation" and "Section"




04. View Types Staus Delete

"Delete Views not placed on sheets" Script retrieves all the views those are not placed on sheets in the current Revit document and provides the user with the ability to delete unused views of different types. The user inputs whether they want to delete the unused views or not.

This script Delete 6 Different View Types, which is usually places on sheets.

01.Floor Plans
02.Ceiling Plans

03.3D Views
04.Drafting Views


There are Two conditions or Warnings, when we run this script.
1.Current View is opened
Suppose Current View is not placed on sheets and opened. There is an warning it suggests to Switch/close current and view and refresh the script.

2.Excepton Arises
By iterating each and every view through python script, Dynamo expresses certain warnings. We added some try and exception blocks in python scripts, which suggests to refresh/run the script again until exception clears.








It returns the number of deleted views and the number of remaining views.

Python Script:

# From JagadeeshKumar.Reddi works*

# reddi.jagadeeshkumar116@outlook.com

# visit https://www.5pillars.one/

# Get All Views of Current Document

_Viws = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Views).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()


#Get All Sheets of Current Doucment



#Collecting Sheet ID's

_Shtid = [s.Id for s in _Sht]


#IList collection of sheets

_IShtid = List[ElementId](_Shtid)

#Method to delte Unused Views

def _Del_UUE(VT,TOF,IP):

 #if View Types are None

 if TOF == 0:

  CUUVT = "None"

  CUVT = "None"

 #if View types and Input is true 

 elif TOF > 0 and IP:

 #try and exception to catch error


   #if length of unused view types are not zero

   if len(_UuVT(VT)) > 0:

    #Transaction Starts


    #for each view in unused view

    for x in _UuVT(VT):

      #if view is valid, delte view

      if x.IsValidType:


       CUVT = TOF - len(_UuVT(VT))

       CUUVT = len(_UuVT(VT)) +"Deleted Refresh The Script"


      #view is not valid then it gives refresh the script to delte

       CUVT = TOF - len(_UuVT(VT))

       CUUVT = len(_UuVT(VT)) + "Refresh The Script to Delete"



   #If length of unused views are none

    CUVT = TOF

    CUUVT = "None"

  except Exception as e:

  #if any exception arises script suggests to refresh the script or current view is opened switch or close the view

   CUUVT="Refresh The Script" 

   CUVT = "An Error occured, check the current view is placed on sheets if it is, switch or close view"

 elif TOF > 0 and not IP:

 #If user input is false not to delete

  CUUVT = len(_UuVT(VT))

  CUVT = TOF - len(_UuVT(VT)) if len(_UuVT(VT)) else TOF

 #return unused and used view types

 return CUUVT, CUVT


#For Floor Plans

_FPIP = IN[0]

_FP = _VT("FloorPlan")

if all(v is None for v in _FP):

 _TCFP,_CUUFP,_CUFP = ["None","None","None"]


 _TCFP = len(_FP)


#Collect Floor Plans Status



_UUFp = _UuVT(_FP)


_CUFp = _TCFP - _CUUFp


#Collect and follow same code for "CeilingPlan" ,"ThreeD", "DraftingView","Elevation" and "Section"


05.Revit Link Workset status

It is Very common to encounter many Revit links. For example, Main contractor working files generally have 50+ Revit links( Main contractors' working files, files from IFC and sub-contractors'). It can be a tedious procedure to check and change each Revit link file's workset if it relates to element visibility, detailing, and tagging.

Working Case:

This script has three working cases:

Case 1: Revit Links Name - None & Workset Name - None.

          In this case, it will display the number of worksets and Revit links in the current project.

Case 2: Revit Link Name - "Enter any combination of Link Names" & Workset Name - None.

         In this case, it will display all Revit links and their type worksets. You can easily configure how many Revit links exist with a particular name. For example, if you have Architecture files from the "ABC" company, and its file naming convention is like ABC-AR-1001, ABC-AR-1002, etc., Enter ABC-AR and run the script. It will extract all Architecture files related to ABC and their corresponding worksets.

Case 3: Revit Links Name - "Enter any combination of Link Names" & Workset Name - "Desired Workset Name".

        In this case, it will display how many Revit links changed to the desired workset.

Run Case 1 again to check all Revit Link Type worksets' status.

Python Script:

# Collect all worksets

_Wrks  = FilteredWorksetCollector(_Doc).OfKind(WorksetKind.UserWorkset).ToWorksets()

# Get Workset names //list comprehension

_W_Nms = [w.Name for w in _Wrks ]

#Get Count of Worksets

_W_Cnt = len(_W_Nms)

#collect all revit links 

_Col_RvtLnks = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(RevitLinkType).ToElements()

# Get Revit Links names //list comprehension

_Rvt_Nms = [w.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME).AsString()  for w in _Col_RvtLnks ]

#Get Count of Worksets

_Rvt_Cnt = len(_Rvt_Nms)

#Getting Workset Table

_Wrks_Tble = _Doc.GetWorksetTable()

#Revit Link Worksets for reference

_RvtLnk_Wrks =[ (_Wrks_Tble.GetWorkset(x.WorksetId)).Name for x in _Col_RvtLnks]

#Getting Workset Table

_Tble_Wrks = [ _Wrks_Tble.GetWorkset(x.WorksetId).Name for x in _Col_RvtLnks]

#Select Revit LInks

_Sel_RvtLnks= []

#for every in all Revit Links

for x in _Col_RvtLnks:

 if IN[0] in x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME).AsString() :


#Select Revit LInks Counts

_Sel_RvtLnks_Cnt = len(_Sel_RvtLnks)

#Select Revit Links Names

_Sel_RvtLnks_Nms = []

for x in _Sel_RvtLnks:


#Select Revit Links Worksets

_SRvtLnk_Wrks =[ (_Wrks_Tble.GetWorkset(x.WorksetId)).Name for x in _Sel_RvtLnks]

#Preset Workset ID as None



#if Workset Input is None

if not IN[1]:


 _Wrks_Nm="Provided Workset Name"


#If workset is entered

  for W in _Wrks:

   if W.Name==IN[1]:



    for x in _Sel_RvtLnks:

     #Transaction Manager Ensures in Transactions


     #CHange Workset to Desired Workset


      #Close Transactions


# Output

OUT = _W_Cnt,_Rvt_Cnt,_Sel_RvtLnks_Cnt,_Sel_RvtLnks_Nms,D_Wrks_Nm, _SRvtLnk_Wrks

06.Sheet Views - Update View & Title Name


In the process of presenting block wall or builder's work drawings, it is common to have multiple detail views on sheets. For example, one level of a builder's work may have one plan and a few sheets that represent openings of MEP entities.
After sections are drawn in floor plans and arranged on sheets, the detail numbers, View names and titles of the views do not match.
This requires us to spend time changing the detail numbers and titles on the sheets accordingly.

We have developed a Python script that sets the view name and title on the sheet according to its detail number from a given CSV file.
This script automates the process of updating the detail numbers and titles on the sheets, which saves us time and effort.
For Example in this Project, Sheet Number "5P-SF-CT-003" Have 20 Views. We have entered in excel 20 Detail numbers, View Names and Title on sheet Accordingly. Enter Unique name always otherwise Revit Gives "NameNotUnique" Error.

#Collect all sheets by using FilteredElement Collector

_CSHT = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(ViewSheet).ToElements()

#Collect all Sheet Numbers


for x in _CSHT:


#Collect all Sheet Numbers


for x in _CSHT:


#Collect All View Port Detail Numbers


#Check Sheet ID


#Get All View Ports

_SHVWi = []

#for every x in sheets

for x in _CSHT:

  if IN[0] == x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NUMBER).AsString():

   _SSID= x.Id

   #Collect all viewports on sheet

   _SHVWi =x.GetAllViewports()

   _rvtlnk=x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NUMBER).AsString()+" - " + x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NAME).AsString()

  if not IN[0]:

   _rvtlnk = "Enter Sheet Name"


#convert element IDs into elements

_SHVPT = []

for x in _SHVWi:


#Set input from CSV Files





#Check with Detail Numbers and set View Name and Title on sheet

_Set = []

_VN = []

_TON = []

for x in _PDN:

  for y in _SHVPT:

    if x == int(y.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWPORT_DETAIL_NUMBER).AsString()):


        (y.LookupParameter("View Name")).Set(str(_PVN[_List[0].index(x)]))

        (y.LookupParameter("Title on Sheet")).Set(str(_PTS[_List[0].index(x)]))





        #Transaction Manager Ensures in Transactions;


#Collect All Detail Numbetrs

OUT=  _rvtlnk,len(_SHVWi)

07. Cable Tray Types & Routing Preference

This Script is divided into 3 Steps As Described Below........
1.Duplicate Cable Tray's Types

2.Duplicate Cable Tray's Fittings Types

3.Set Cable Tray Routing Preferences

A Dynamo Python Script that Duplicate Cable Tray Types and Fitting Types, Sets Type Comments and Description. Sets Cable Tray Routing Preferences as per Type Name of fittings accordingly.
There are Two Cases:

1. Create New Cable Tray Types for New Project

2.Add Additional Cable Tray for Existing Project

We have To create An CSV File, with Cable Tray Type Names, Type Comments and Desctiption. Add another column's of Default Cable Tray Fitting Families and Type Names.


1.Create CSV File

2.Duplicate Cable Tray Types

3.Load Cable Tray Fitting Families

4.Duplicate Cable Tray Fitting Families

5.Set Routing of Existing Cable Tray Types


There are 7 types of routing preference for cable tray

Cable Tray have following fittings:

07.1. Duplicate Cable Tray Types

#Collect All Cable Tray Types

_CT_T = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(CableTrayType).WhereElementIsElementType()


#Check for Exisiting CT Type by input 

_ET_ = None

for x in _CT_T:

    if x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() == IN[1]:

        _ET_ = x


#Collect all Cable Tray Type Names        

_ETT = []

for x in _CT_T:

 _ETT.append(x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString())


#Definiton/Method to duplicate Cable Tray Types  

def C_CT(_XCT,TC,TD):

 for x in _XCT:

  if x not in _ETT:  



    _NT = _ET_.Duplicate(x) 

    _NT.LookupParameter("Type Comments").Set(TC[_XCT.index(x)])


   except Exception as e:

    return "Error duplicating cable tray type: " + str(e) 



#IF Input is true to duplicate all Cable Tray Types by user input

if IN[2]:

 NCT = C_CT(IN[0][0],IN[0][1],IN[0][2])

#IF Input is false, no execution of code


 NCT ="None"

#Collecting All Duplicated Cable Tray Types by USer Input 

_ENTCT = len([x for x in IN[0][0] if x is not None and x not in _ETT])

07.2. Duplicate Cable Tray's Fitting Types

#Collecting All Family Symbols

_CCTF =FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(FamilySymbol).ToElements()


#Filtereing only cable tray fittings family symbol

_CTF = []

for x in _CCTF:

    if x.Category.Name == "Cable Tray Fittings":


#Select Cable Tray Fittings Part Type


for x in _CCTF:

 for y in IN[0][4]:

  if x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() == str(y):



#Select based on Type Names

_ECTF = []

for x in _CTF:

 _ECTF.append(x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString())


#Define Method to duplicate Cable tray fitting Types

def _DCTF(_N, TC, TD):

 count = 0  # Counter variable to track the number of duplications

 for x in _N:

  for y in _DF:

   if x not in _ECTF:



     _NTF = y.Duplicate(x)

     _NTF.LookupParameter("Type Comments").Set(TC[_N.index(x)])

     _NTF.LookupParameter("Description").Set(TD[_N.index(x)])  # Increment the count for each duplication

    except Exception as e:

     return "Error duplicating cable tray type: " + str(e) 



#IF Input is TRUE,Duplicate and set Parameters

if IN[1]:


 C_CT = len([x for x in IN[0][0] if x is not None and x not in _ECTF])

 C_CTF = C_CT * 7



 C_CTF = "None" 

# Return the CT list as output to the Dynamo workspace


07.3. Set Cable Tray Routing Preferences

#Collecting all MEP Curve Type

_CT_MEP = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(MEPCurveType).ToElements()


#Filterout by MEPCurve Type

_CT_MEPT = []

for x in _CT_MEP:

    if x.Category.Name == "Cable Trays":



#Select as per Type Name

_CT_Typ = []

for x in _CT_MEPT:

    _CT_Typ.append(x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString())


#Collect All Families

_CT_FC = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(Family).ToElements()


#FIlter out Family Types by Cable Tray Fitting Types

_CT_FFC = []

for x in _CT_FC:

    if x.FamilyCategory.Name == "Cable Tray Fittings":



#Define Method as per Part Type

def _CT_FT(PartName):

    _CT_Family = []

    for x in _CT_FFC:

        if x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_CONTENT_PART_TYPE).AsValueString() == PartName:

          Fam_Sym = x.GetFamilySymbolIds()

          Fam_Type = [x.Document.GetElement(symbol_id) for symbol_id in Fam_Sym]

          Fam_TName = [symbol.Id for symbol in Fam_Type]

          _CT_Family=[x for x in Fam_TName if x not in _CT_Family]              

    return _CT_Family


#Collecting all Channel Vertical Elblow Type

_Ch_VELB = []

for x in _CT_FFC:

 if x.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_CONTENT_PART_TYPE).AsValueString() == "Channel Vertical Elbow":



#Select as per Family Name - Inside Bend


for x in  _CT_FFC:


  VIB_Sym = x.GetFamilySymbolIds()

  VIB_Type = [x.Document.GetElement(symbol_id) for symbol_id in VIB_Sym]

  _Ch_VIB = [symbol.Id for symbol in VIB_Type]


#Select as per Family Name - Outside Bend

_Ch_VOB = []

for x in  _CT_FFC:


  VOB_Sym = x.GetFamilySymbolIds()

  VOB_Type = [x.Document.GetElement(symbol_id) for symbol_id in VOB_Sym]

  _Ch_VOB = [symbol.Id for symbol in VOB_Type]


#Collect All Part types Families

_Ch_HB = _CT_FT("Channel Elbow")

_Ch_Tee = _CT_FT("Channel Tee")

_Ch_Crs = _CT_FT("Channel Cross")

_Ch_Trs = _CT_FT("Channel Transition")

_Ch_Un = _CT_FT("Channel Union")


# Set Method for Based on Part Type and CT Type Name

def _Set_CTF(_Ch,Bend):

 _CT_MEPHB = []

 for x in _CT_MEPT:

  for y in _Ch:

   if x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() == (_Doc.GetElement(y)).LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString():




   # Transaction Manager Ensures in Transactions


#If Input is True sets all CT Types based on Part Types

if IN[1]:

 _CT_SHB = _Set_CTF(_Ch_HB,"Horizontal Bend")

 _CT_SIB = _Set_CTF(_Ch_VIB,"Vertical Inside Bend")

 _CT_SOB = _Set_CTF(_Ch_VOB,"Vertical Outside Bend")

 _CT_STee = _Set_CTF(_Ch_Tee,"Tee")

 _CT_SCrs = _Set_CTF(_Ch_Crs,"Cross")

 _CT_STrs = _Set_CTF(_Ch_Trs,"Transition")

 _CT_Un = _Set_CTF(_Ch_Un,"Union")


#Count all family types

_M_CTT = 0

_M_CT = []

for x in _CT_MEPT:

  for y in IN[0][0]:

   if x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() == str(y):

    _M_CTT +=1

    _M_CT.append(x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString())


# Return the CT lt as output to the Dynamo workspace


08.Duct Systems & Routing Preference

Revit has Three Types of Duct systems by default.
1.Sypply Air

2.Return Air

3.Exhaust Air

The above three is also Default Duct system classifications. Any new system will be duplicates above with system classifications. This script creates different new duct system types based on their system classifications.

This script is divided into 3 steps:

8.1. Duplicate Duct system as per system Classification

8.2. Assign Material to Duct System Types

8.3. Duct System Color Graphic overrides

8.1.Duplicate Duct system as per system Classification

#Collecting Duct systems throught Filtered Element Collector

_DT_T = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_DuctSystem).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()


#Get Duct Type Names from Collector

_EDT = [x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() for x in _DT_T]


#Checking with CSV file,if CSV Duct system equals, it will duplicate new duct system types and sets Abbrevation

if IN[0]:

 for x in IN[1]:

  for y in _DT_T:

     if str(x) == y.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString():






#Length of duct systems created

_ENDT = len([x for x in IN[1] if  x not in _EDT])

8.2.Assign Material to Duct System Types

mats = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(Material).ToElements()

#Gets Mateiral name in Current Project

nams = [m.Name for m in mats]

#Check and Mateiral set to Duct systems if material name matches with CSV File

if IN[0]:

 for x in IN[1]:

  for y in _DT_T:

   for z in mats:

     if str(x) == y.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() and str(IN[3][IN[1].index(x)]) == z.Name:




8.3.Duct System Color Graphic overrides

#Check and color RGB set to Duct systems matches with CSV File

if IN[0]:

 for x in IN[1]:

  for y in _DT_T:

   if str(x) == y.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString():





    y.LineColor = Color(R,G,B)


09. Pipe Systems & Routing Preference

This script is divided into 3 steps:
9.1. Duplicate Pipe system as per system Classification9.2. Assign Material to Pipe System Types9.3. Pipe System Color Graphic overrides

Revit has 11 Types of Pipe systems by default.

The above 11 are also Default Pipe Duct system classifications. Any new system will be duplicated above with system classifications. This script creates different new Pipe system types based on their system classifications.


1. Duplicate Pipe system as per system Classification

#Collecting Duct systems throught Filtered Element Collector

_DT_T = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_PipingSystem).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()


#Get Duct Type Names from Collector

_EDT = [x.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() for x in _DT_T]


#Checking with CSV file,if CSV Duct system equals, it will duplicate new duct system types and sets Abbrevation

if IN[0]:

 for x in IN[1]:

  for y in _DT_T:

     if str(IN[2][IN[1].index(x)]) == y.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString():





2. Assign Material to Pipe System Types

#Collecting All materials by using Filtered Element collector

mats = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(Material).ToElements()

#Gets Mateiral name in Current Project

nams = [m.Name for m in mats]


#Collecting Duct systems throught Filtered Element Collector

_DT_T = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_PipingSystem).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()


#Check and Mateiral set to Duct systems if material name matches with CSV File

if IN[0]:

 for x in IN[1]:

  for y in _DT_T:

   for z in mats:

     if str(x) == y.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString() and str(IN[3][IN[1].index(x)]) == z.Name:




3.Pipe System Color Graphic overrides

#Collecting Duct systems throught Filtered Element Collector

_DT_T = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfClass(PipingSystemType).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()


#Check and color RGB set to Duct systems matches with CSV File

if IN[0]:

 for x in IN[1]:

  for y in _DT_T:

   if str(x) == y.LookupParameter("Type Name").AsString():





    y.LineColor = Color(R,G,B)


10.Select Elements Categories By ScopeBox

For Single or Multiple Category

In construction projects, we often divide the space into different areas. When we create models, we use scope boxes to represent these areas and make drawings accordingly. Sometimes, we need to assign information or quantities to elements within these areas. The usual way to do this involves selecting elements, filtering them by Categories, and adding information, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.


This script automates this process. It quickly identifies the scope boxes for each area and automatically adds the required information to the elements within those areas. This automation takes only about five seconds, ensuring that it's both fast and accurate. It eliminates errors and makes the whole process much easier.


This is especially useful when the model changes over time. Instead of repeating the manual steps, the script handles everything automatically. This means less time spent on repetitive tasks and more time for productive work. Overall, this script improves efficiency and accuracy when dealing with different areas in a construction project.

# Select the current Revit View

_UIDoc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication.ActiveUIDocument


# Collect all Scope Boxes

# Note: The correct category for Scope Boxes is "OST_VolumeOfInterest"

_Scp_Bx = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_VolumeOfInterest).ToElements()


#Define Method to make Input Categories to a list

def _ToList(IP):



 return OP2


#Define Method to Get  Categories of scope Box

def _SB(SBN):

#Collect Scope Box Elements,Categories,Message

 _SBE = []

 _SBC = []

 _SBN = None

 for x in _Scp_Bx:

  if x.Name == SBN:

    _SCP = x

    _BO = _SCP.get_BoundingBox(_Doc.ActiveView)

    _OBB = Outline(_BO.Min, _BO.Max)

    _BE = BoundingBoxIsInsideFilter(_OBB)

    _CBE = FilteredElementCollector(_Doc).WherePasses(_BE).ToElements()

    _SBCN = [y.Category.Name for y in _CBE if y.Category is not None]

    _SBE=[x for x in _CBE if x.Category is not None]

    _SBC = list(set(_SBCN))           

    _SBN = SBN



    _SBE = "None"

    _SBC = "None"


 return _SBC,_SBE,_SBN


#Method to check Parameters are valid or not for selected elemetnts

def _Chk_Prmtr(ip,id):

 parameter = None

 #Checks if the parameter exists for the elements in the scope box

 for x in id:

   parameter = _Doc.GetElement(x).LookupParameter(ip)

 return parameter


#Applying Methods to input


_SBC =_SBCat




#Filter Elements from selected scope box to Entered Categories

_ReCat = []

_ReCatID = [] 

for x in _SBE:

 for y in _VEC:

  if x.Category.Name == y:






#Select Elements in Active View

sel = _UIDoc.Selection.SetElementIds(_ReCatI)


#Change Parameter Values

if IN[2]:

#select Paramter and change Parameters


 for x in _ReCatID:



11. Cable Tray Fitting's Justification

In MEP coordination, we frequently use eccentric and concentric connections, often referred to as left-hand and right-hand connections. When procuring or ordering cable tray fittings, we need to specify the number of eccentric and concentric connections. This is required for various areas within the same project, especially in a progressive model where connections may change frequently during the coordination process. Quantifying cable tray fittings can be a time-consuming task due to the evolving nature of connections throughout the project.

#Define tolernace to compare nearly equal values

tolerance = 1e-6

#Define Mehod of limits to change Third and fourth quadrant to second or first

def _limits(x):

    _Ale = math.degrees(x)

    _Tv = _Ale  # Assign a default value to _Tv

    if 180 < _Ale  < 270:

        _Tv = _Ale - 180

    elif 270 < _Ale  < 360:

        _Tv = _Ale - 270

    return _Tv

#Assignin empty values

_ALHS = 0

_ARHS = 0

_AMHS = 0

#count LHS and RHS Cable tray fittings

_LHS = []

_RHS = []


#check each and every Cable tray fitting's LHS and RHS and assign accrodingly

if IN[0]:

    for x in _CFT:

        ALHS = _limits(x.LookupParameter("LHS").AsDouble())

        ARHS = _limits(x.LookupParameter("RHS").AsDouble())



        if abs(ALHS - ARHS) <= tolerance:

            Justification = "CENTER"

            _AMHS += 1

        elif ALHS > ARHS:

            Justification = "LEFT"

            _ALHS += 1

        elif ARHS > ALHS:

            Justification = "RIGHT"

            _ARHS += 1


            Justification = "None"



        x.LookupParameter("CT.Reducer Justification").Set(Justification)
